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Social Enterprise Resources




interSector Partners, L3C believes all of the information available in these resources is accurate and consistent with standards of good practice in the communities within which we work. As research and practice advance, however, standards may change. For this reason, it is recommended that readers evaluate the applicability of any stories, recommendations, quotes, or information contained in these resources or this Web site in the light of their particular situations and the potential for changing standards. 


These resources may address legal, accounting, and financial matters but do not in any way provide or constitute legal, accounting, or financial advice or opinion. Many of the topics in these resources and at this Web site are related to and are potentially significant to tax exempt organizations and associations, and failure to act consistently with Internal Revenue Service rulings or guidance or other applicable law could result in taxability of revenues, loss of tax-exempt status, or other potential unforeseen liability. 


It is strongly recommended that all readers consult their individual professional legal, accounting, financial, and any other necessary and/or appropriate advisors and take action only upon receipt of such advice. We disclaim any loss, either directly or indirectly, and assume no liability as a consequence of applying or relying on any of the information contained in these resources or on this Web site. 


Please also note that we have included social enterprise resources from around the world. The one thing we've found from helping social entrepreneurs over the past nearly 15 years is that some of the best ideas and most effective ways of doing or thinking about nearly everything related to social enterprise may indeed come from another corner of the world! And we have yet to encounter anyone who isn't over-the-moon willing and happy to share. With that in mind, go forth and prepare to be energized!


School for Social Entrepreneurs Logo

We can’t fix issues like poverty, climate change and ill-health alone. That’s why the School for Social Entrepreneurs exists.

We have helped thousands of people develop the skills, strengths and networks they need to tackle society’s biggest problems. In turn, they help millions of people in need.

Tandem Hybrid Logo

Social enterprises are driven by a big mission, but often struggle with their business model. This book explores the strengths and limitations of typical structures and presents a compelling case for the “tandem hybrid,” using the best of both for-profit and non-profit models to maximize social impact.

Standford Social Entrepreneurship Hub Logo

​There are many things to do before launching and operating a social venture – especially in the areas of planning and implementation. These free resources from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business can help you navigate the Path to Launch.

SEA Logo

​Creating a new equitable economic norm by catalyzing social enterprises in the U.S. to grow their revenue and their impact.

A New Type of Hybrid Cover Letter

Social entrepreneurs have taken the hybrid model to a new level, crafting it into what is in effect a single structure that can operate as both a for-profit and a nonprofit.

Don't let the publication date fool you. Still some very current and accurate thinking here if you're thinking about social enterprise structure options.

Mission Driven Venture Book Cover

The Mission-Driven Venture offers anyone committed to social innovation a hands-on, actionable guide for leveraging the power of the market-place to solve the world's most difficult social problems. Written by attorney and financial advisor Marc J. Lane—a renowned thought leader and expert on entrepreneurship, social enterprise, impact investing, and entrepreneurial finance—this important guide explores the full spectrum of the varied interests represented at the intersection of business and social change. Together, mission-driven ventures and traditional business concerns can reach and sustain scaled social solutions.

Marc is a long-time, good friend of ours and this is an excellent resource!

the Grantsmanship Center Logo

​Our mission is to help private and public nonprofits make better communities. We do that by providing training and publications that help organizations plan solid programs, write logical, compelling grant proposals, secure and manage grants, and create earned income opportunities. We succeed when you succeed at helping those you care about most.

social enterpise central logo

​Social Change Central (SCC) is Australia’s first dedicated online hub for social enterprises. SCC connects, encourages and supports social enterprises and aspiring entrepreneurs through an easy-to-use, comprehensive self-service database which collates the most up-to-date opportunities available in Australia and internationally.

University of Toronto Libraries Logo

Resources for Social Entrepreneurs

The resources on this page link to a variety of organizations engaged with social entrepreneurship. Most content is free and open.

Social Enterprise Chicago Logo

Social Enterprise Chicago acts as a convener, collaborator, and catalyst to empower for-profit, nonprofit and hybrid ventures deploying earned-revenue strategies to create positive social, economic, and environmental change.

For Love or Lucre Cover Letter

A veteran social entrepreneur provides a guide to those who are thinking through the thorny question of whether to create a nonprofit, a for-profit, or something in between. Still timely and relevant today...

The Third Law Book Cover

Newton’s Third Law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  The Third Law book shows us how true this is for women trying to raise themselves up and out of poverty.  Even as women work diligently to change their lives, there are strong forces beyond their control pushing back on that change.  In her book, The Third Law, author Tamra Ryan tells stories of over 100 women she has learned about during her time as CEO of Women’s Bean Project.  Through those stories, she explores what is required for chronically unemployed and impoverished women to create new lives for themselves and their families.

How can we help?

Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels. We are here to help in any way we can.

Thanks for submitting!

interSector Partners®, L3C
A socially purposed limited

liability company since 2009

4261 Elizabeth Ave.
Holland, MI 49424-5617


Please give us a call:


Rick Zwetsch

(616) 613-6162

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