Philosophy and Values​
A strong belief in values is critical in nearly all areas of society and especially in business. Standards of behavior as well as written and unwritten laws are born out of values and a belief in certain value systems.
We accept and promote the following values as intrinsically important and will go to any length to protect and defend these values even when they are rejected or ignored by others. Although we all work in ever-changing business and personal environments, our values have remained constant and will not shift with time or circumstance. They apply to all facets of our business and do not yield to impulse, convenience or temptation.
These values are very important to us as we work with you. We hope and trust they’re important to you as well.
We work with clients to excite and inspire their shareholders, stakeholders, donors, customers, suppliers, employees, and anyone who comes in contact with their organization in any way
We are flexible in our approach. There is always a new and better way to do...anything.
We practice responsible risk-taking and always examine and analyze all angles before assuming or recommending that anyone we work with assume any risk
We are not afraid to make mistakes. We learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others and we do everything possible to avoid making the same mistake twice.
We are always alert to ideas that can directly and indirectly provide a measurable contribution to a profitable bottom-line for our clients and for our company. Very often it's the indirect, the not so obvious choice, that proves most effective.
We are direct, clear and concise in all methods of communication
We will not deceive anyone. Not even our competition. Not your competition.
We speak with honesty, courage and confidence
We respect both the business and personal life situations of everyone we deal with. We always try to be fair.
The vitality of our business depends on and thrives on providing custom designed, targeted products and services on a timely basis, in a quality manner and at a competitive price
We do everything possible to educate our clients so they become effective partners. The more they know, the more they want to know, the more effective we can be.
We don't take every project that comes our way. We must believe in our client, believe in our client's products, services and believe in our client's beliefs and values. We also must be able to devote the time and energy required to the make the project a success for everyone.
We communicate aggressively. We return phone calls as soon as absolutely possible and certainly within 48 hours. When that’s not possible, we provide a back-up plan - in advance. We expect the same in return.
Projects fail when communications break down or fail completely. Honesty and reliability are at the heart of the way we conduct our business. We are a company that keeps our promises. We expect nothing less than the very same from everyone we work with including partners, associates, suppliers and clients.
We believe complete and total client satisfaction is the only way to keep score and anything less is unacceptable. We will constantly strive to exceed our client’s expectations and require the same of everyone we work with.
Social responsibility plays a critically important role in everything we do. We will consistently strive to be, and be recognized as, a valuable social and cultural asset in each and every community in which we operate.
Adopted: February 22, 2009