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interSector Partners®, L3C is a low-profit limited liability company--a form of LLC that combines the best features of the LLC with the social conscience of a nonprofit. Offered in eight states as of December 1, 2022 (VT, MI, IL, UT, WY, LA, ME, and RI), Puerto Rico, and through The Crow Indian Nation, Navajo Nation and Oglala Sioux Tribe, the L3C model has been adopted by more than 2,000 social ventures in the United States. 
Caryn first learned of the L3C when she attended a session led by L3C creators Robert Lang and Marcus Owens at the Social Enterprise Summit in 2008. The panel (including UBS and Deutsche Bank) explained the opportunities the model creates for community development, tiered investments, and true social change. 
When the time came to launch interSector Partners®, there was no doubt for Rick or Caryn about what form the company would take. We formed our company in Vermont (home of the first L3C legislation) and are registered to do business in our then home state of Colorado. 
We are proud to be on the leading edge of testing hybrid business models like the L3C, defined by Robert Lang as "the for-profit with a nonprofit soul." 
For more information about L3Cs, please click here or contact us

SR Policy 

At interSector Partners®, L3C, we believe that a social responsibility (SR) or community involvement is a living, breathing system of any company. SR programs should be based in the company’s mission and values, reflect the community in which the company operates and be flexible to respond to an ever-changing and evolving environment. As such, we have provided an overview of our approach and beliefs and encourage you to check back often for updates as our program develops and grows. 

interSector Partners®, L3C’s SR Approach 

Our Social Bottom Line 
As an L3C, our social bottom line—education and consulting services to help nonprofits become more sustainable, for-profits to become more socially responsible and governments to support both in the community—is our primary bottom line. 

In pursuit of our bottom line: 

  • We contribute our expertise and energy in the community through volunteering with area nonprofits in our areas of interest 

  • We support the development of the nonprofit sector by educating ourselves about best practices and advocating for policies and programs that support nonprofits; we are business members of the Colorado Nonprofit Association and members of the Social Enterprise Alliance 

  • We engage with the small business community in our home town by supporting economic development activities 

  • We work with, partner with, support and promote local businesses whenever possible 

  • We employ a strong set of business and personal ethics in our work and in our lives 

While our work is our passion, we promote work/life balance as a key to personal and professional fulfillment. 

Our Economic Bottom Line 

  • We focus on creating value for our shareholders and believe that social and environmental policies increase our ability to achieve our economic bottom line 

  • We seek and utilize socially responsible financial institutions and make socially responsible investments 

  • We support our local economic development programs 

Our Environmental Bottom Line 

We seek to minimize our impact on the environment and continually strive to find additional ways to do so. 

How can we help?

Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels. We are here to help in any way we can.

Thanks for submitting!

interSector Partners®, L3C
A socially purposed limited

liability company since 2009

4261 Elizabeth Ave.
Holland, MI 49424-5617


Please give us a call:


Rick Zwetsch

(616) 613-6162

© 2009-2025 interSector Partners, L3C | All Rights Reserved. | Legal   -  INTERSECTOR PARTNERS is a trademark of Intersector Partners, L3C, a Vermont Limited Liability Company, registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.

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