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Business Conference

Experts in the art of process.

Built to evolve for impact

interSector Partners®, L3C is a bespoke social impact consulting firm specializing in services to nonprofits, foundations, government agencies, and impact companies. As an L3C, we put mission first, and our founders chose this model as an innovative way to live out our personal and professional values through our company.


Founded in 2009, interSector Partners has developed and offered services, programs and trainings based on evolving needs of the “impact sector.” Some examples:

  • Nonprofits told us they needed specialized support in hiring executive staff, we developed search and transition offerings to partner with boards on equitable hiring processes resulting in over 20 successful executive placements.

  • Foundations told us they wanted to make impact investments, but were lacking deal flow. We launched a cohort-based incubator program to help nonprofits develop, raise integrated capital, and launch social enterprises, creating an investment pipeline for foundations.

  • The standard 300-sticky-notes-on-a-wall method of strategic planning was stale and resulting in tactical to-do lists, we studied methods across industries and adapted our planning approaches to put strategy back in strategic planning.

  • And government agencies wanted more representative community involvement in service funding, programming, and decision-making, we modeled ways to do this in our processes and recommendations.


At interSector Partners, we innovate and evolve while continually centering inclusive and equitable approaches in our work. All client processes involve key stakeholders—both those who are affected by the work and those who lead it (spoiler alert: we’ll push for those two groups to be one and the same).


Over a decade ago our founders chose the L3C business structure as a way represent our values, yet that choice alone has never been "enough.” You’ll find interSector Partners leveraging insatiable curiosity at every turn to continue innovating and evolving for our business and for yours.

interSector principal partners Caryn Capriccioso and Rick Zwetsch have built their reputations by helping their clients to think differently, think creatively, create impactand get the results they're looking for.

If this is the kind of thinking you and your organization are craving and have to have to move forward right now, contact us today and let's talk about...YOUR bottom line!

Clients deserve our starting lineup

How can we help?

Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels. We are here to help in any way we can.

Thanks for submitting!

interSector Partners®, L3C
A socially purposed limited

liability company since 2009

4261 Elizabeth Ave.
Holland, MI 49424-5617


Please give us a call:


Rick Zwetsch

(616) 613-6162

© 2009-2025 interSector Partners, L3C | All Rights Reserved. | Legal   -  INTERSECTOR PARTNERS is a trademark of Intersector Partners, L3C, a Vermont Limited Liability Company, registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.

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